Coin Sorters
Designed to count and sort coin into bags, drawers or tubes.
Magner 300 Series
Magner 300 Series
Coin recognition for 5 U.S. coins
Quiet, very easy to maintain
Optional double bagging
Optional 5 coin bagging security stand
Optional thermal printer
Optional tubing attachment
Mach SCW-20 Series
Mach SCW-20 Series
Up to 3,000 coins per minute count speed
Optional Coin recognition for 6 U.S. coins
Optional autofeed
Optional 6 coin bagging security stand
Optional thermal printer
Mach 9e
Mach 9e
Up to 6,000 coins per minute count speed
Optional Coin recognition for 6 U.S. coins
Optional security doors for bagging stand
Optional double bagging
Optional thermal printer